That Hidden Place

That Hidden Place
Woman enjoying sunrise at the cave washing under the beautiful hidden waterfall on Bali island in Indonesia

In the heart of our soul, amidst the ceaseless hum of human activity, there exists a hidden place, a sanctuary of tranquility and solitude.
This place is not a physical location, but an inner realm, a haven within the mind, where one can escape the chaos of the outside world and find solace in the quietude of one’s own thoughts.
Sodapop’s fisrt instrumental song is a Post-rock that combines an ethereal eletric guitar tone with some strings elements and a classic piano, creating a melancholy atmosphere for that hidden place we all reach for.

Marcos Felipe Delfino

Marcos Felipe Delfino

Nascido em 1975, Marcos Felipe, também conhecido como Marquinho, ou Marquito, ou Kinets, já tentou ser músico, fotógrafo e cineasta entre outras frustrações. Hoje é servidor público.

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